Thursday, September 3, 2020

Spoopy season into turkey days...

Hey friends, enemies, thememies, and rabble rousers! 

I'm so proud to say that I was able to complete the August project, available on! 

Not only did I complete it, but I reached it at 270%. WOAH. That shit is humbling and I am deeply honored. You can still contribute and see the daily poems in August. Only 2 were missed for health reasons, a pretty impressive feat for a human with chronic pain and illness. There will be a treat for those who contributed to the August project in the next week or so, so stay tuned!

What's up? What's going on in the next few months? I'm so glad I asked. September is for reading and book reviews, so please expect at least one! I really want to dive into my to-read pile and my birthday month seems like a good time to get to it!

October is for #drawtober, y'all. #inktober has been canceled due to the shitty actions (copyrighting the # and c&ds for artists selling their own art & plagiarism controversy) of it's creator. So I'm going to try jumping into the inky waters again. I created my own gay prompts! You're welcome to use my prompts, too! And hey, tag me or link me to your art!! I'd love to see them <3. I promise I won't publish them or a book about them like Jake Parker. Also, hey, not copyrighting an actual hashtag because I'm not a monster. I'll make the prompt list prettier as we get closer!

I was thinking it would be cool to purchase Alphonso Dunn's book on inking to really work on some improvement throughout the month! I might make this another ko-fi project. What do y'all think?

And y'all know what November is for... November is for noveling. Will this be the year I finish my unseen queer fantasy trilogy? OH MY DOG I HOPE SO. Also, turkey. I will eat lots of fowl this month. There are few things better than cold next-day turkey sandwiches. 

Getting back into my creative vibes, friends. Hope you are doing okay and staying safe this pandemic. I love you.

Your favorite weirdo I don't want to be presumptuous!

A weirdo,



Hey friends! Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you liked it. It's free for you to read, but I still gotta make a living! 

If you liked this content, please leave me a comment because feedback is rad, or buy me a cup of coffee on, because paying the bills is rad.

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